июн 14, 2021
Отмечаем 100 000 установок нашей киновикторины в Google Play...
фев 6, 2021
My first game is on Apple App Store finally. Time to drink Jim Beam...
янв 24, 2021
Managed to launch my moviequiz on an...
июн 10, 2020
Guess the movie from a...
мар 28, 2020
Finally. 50K installs of our movie quiz game in Google...
окт 20, 2019
Adding some soviet films to my movie...
авг 17, 2019
Adding some soviet films to my movie...
авг 4, 2019
Working hard on new version of our movie quiz. Finally iOs version is going to...
мая 25, 2019
Finally we made new update for our movie quiz! 100 new layers, classic QWERTY keyboard and optimization for phones with long...
мар 31, 2019
Producer is sleeping, others are...